My pets
I have eight pets. Five of them are rabbits, and the others three are a pigeon, a dog and a parrot.
I want to talk about my parrot, her name's La Pepa. She is very funny, her feathers are green and in the face they are grey. Under the wings, her feathers are blue and light blue.
When she wakes up everyday, at first she eats a piece of bread. Then she goes out and walks to the place where the rabbits are. When she is here, she plays with a small stair.
Later, when I come back to my house from the school, she leaves all the things that she is doing in that moment and starts to call me. I put her in my left shoulder and she passes some hours there. When she is boring bored I leave her in her cage and then she talks there the rest of the day.
When she goes to sleep at eight o'clock I give to her a piece of bread and when she finishes eating the bread I turn out the lights and she sleeps.
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